Senior Portraits Plano TX: Hippie Styled

I met up with a few photographers and decided to do a fun hippie styled senior portraits photo shoot. I’m beginning to love and enjoy photographing seniors as time goes by.  Instead of just shooting weddings I have decided to offer senior portraits in Plano, Richardson, Dallas, Wylie Texas  and surrounding area. Hope you enjoy these gorgeous pictures taken out in a tall grass field.  Molly is a very sweet girl and I met her again at Lawton Country Club while shooting a wedding. Found out later she is currently attend a university here in Texas. Big thanks to Lawton photographers and Molly for this fun shoot.

Plano senior portraits golden sunlight hippie styledlaying on guitar hippie styled plano texas senior portraitshippie style plano texas senior portraits in tall grass fieldhippie-style-senior-portrait-plano-wylie-texas-photographyHippie styled plano wylie senior portraits standing in tall grass field by a houseHippie styled plano wylie senior portraits giving peace signHippie styled Plano senior portraits laughing in sunlight tall grass field