Category Archives: Seniors

Highland Park Dallas Senior Portraits with Da’Mere

Here it is! The second part of the beautiful and oh so stunning of Da’Mere of Red Oak High School senior portraits! These stunning senior pictures of Da’Mere were taken in Dallas Texas Highland Park. The minute I saw Da’Mere walking out of her car with a gorgeous red roses head band and her pretty…

Red Oak High School Senior Portraits with Da’Mere

While I was in California I received an email from Da’Mere that she would love to have her Class of 2014 senior portraits taken. Da’Mere just graduated from Red Oak High School and to celebrate her last year she wanted to have her senior pictures taken at Highland Park which is in Dallas Texas. Below…

Wanda | Prairie Creek Waterfall College Portraits

Since I love practically all the pictures of Wanda college portraits so much that I decided to blog her again! Wanda just graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington with a Bachelor in Exercise in Science decided to have her senior pictures taken at a place with beautiful waterfall. We decided to head out…

Wanda | UT Arlington College Portraits

I love taking picture of college students, especially when they about to get their college degree. Getting a college degree is huge! To me, that’s a big deal. It’s another step that you accomplished something AMAZING and now you are ready to face the real world. Meet Wanda. Wanda is the class of 2014 and…

How to use a reflector for outdoor portraits

Sometime I always get ask a lot is how do I get such beautiful pictures outdoor? How do I get my clients face bright outside? You shot this in high noon? Isn’t the sun too harsh during high noon?  I love shooting outdoor and I love playing with light. Personally I really don’t mind shooting outside…

Libby | Tyler TX Senior Portraits

When I received a message from Libby that she wants her class of 2014 senior portraits taken in Dallas Highland Park I was very ecstatic. Libby wanted her high school senior pictures to be a lot different then her home town in Tyler. During the day of her session the weather changed and it started…